Walking Practices/Walking Art/Walking Bodies – International Encounters/Conference

Esta semana, estou em Prespes, norte da Grécia para participar do Walking Practices/Walking Art/Walking Bodies – International Encounters/Conference Prespes, Greece.

São 7 dias de oficinas, performances, palestras, exposição artística reunindo artistas e acadêmicos de 24 países. Todos trabalhando com a temática da caminhada em suas pesquisas teóricas e artísticas. O programa está maravilho, difícil escolhe o que participar. Os primeiros 4 dias são de oficinas e performances e nos últimos 3 teremoas a conferência e exposição artística. Participo na exposição artística com a vídeo arte “Of Mud and Sea” e, também, da conferência com o artigo “Walking the island. Artistic practices of Ilha de Maré”.

Aqui está o link para o programa completo http://icowaf.eetf.uowm.gr/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/programme2_final-f-23-06-19WEB-1.pdf

Abaixo, coloco o resumo das duas participações:

Paper: Walking the island. Artistic practices of Ilha de Maré

This paper is on walking as an artistic practice, it presents the project A Arte de Caminhar held in Ilha de Maré, Bahia, Brazil. A group of 20 young students from different background was invited to walk on an island near their hometown. The island has no roads or cars and nature is dense. Moreover, the lifestyle is different from in a big city right across the bay. The group had to readapt to this new environment.

On the walks, we faced heat, humidity, mud, mangrove forest and sea. The group of students created different projects on their artistic experience of walking on nature. In this paper, I intend to present the processes of those walks, the outcomes of their experiences and their artworks.

Vídeo para exposição: Of Mud and Sea

It is a rotoscoping short video of a narrative of walks on an island in the northeast of Brazil. The video is an introspective outcome of the walks. Step by step is transformed into a mix of feelings, words, drawings, and sounds. Every frame of the video was exported, painted and drawn separated in order to create this animated video. Sensing the place like a sponge – absorbing the environment – was a form to feel the local nature. It was a form of slowing down the speed of everyday life in a big city. The process of creating a rotoscoping video is slow; it is also a form of decelerating the speed of the video (30 frames per second). The process of taking time to paint, draw and write in each frame, it constructs new thoughts and relives the time there on a new perspective. In a way, “Of Mud and Sea” is a video about sensing the place and also about time – about decelerating, taking time.

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  • Intervalo – fórum de arte
  • 1º Simpósio de Arte e Pesquisa do Ecoarte
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