4th Renewable Futures Conference

Nos dias 4 e 5 de novembro, participei do 4th Renewable Futures Conference – Futures of Living Technologies apresentando o trabalho intitulado “The experienced sea: aesthetical perceptions of the Mediterranean Sea“. Minha fala foi sobre o trabalho de pesquisa artística que estou desenvolvendo na estância como pesquisadora visitante na UPV – Universitat Politècnica de València,

“Renewable Futures is a conference series that originated in the Baltics and the North European region with an aim to invent new trajectories for more sustainable and imaginative future developments. This edition will be online. The conference is presenting researchers and artists of interdisciplinary practices from fields such as contemporary art, artistic research, art theory, media art, design and architecture, applied artificial intelligence, artificial life, robotics, life sciences, art education and other relevant practices. The program includes presentations of artistic and transdisciplinary research projects, as well as examples and discussions of applied projects and a screening program curated for online presentation.”

Mais informações no: https://feltproject.no/

  • Fantasma Glacial
  • Meu mundo de areia, mar e vento
  • Ela e o Continente Gelado
  • Subverso Festival
  • Intervalo – fórum de arte