Material Conditions: Epilogue (booklet)

Depois do booklet Remix Reconvex Reconvexo para a coleção Material Conditions Giles Lane, do Proboscis, me chamou para mais uma participação, desta vez um booklet coletivo, o Epilogue.

Material Conditions: Epilogue is both a companion to those books – for those who read it, for the artists involved – and, as a pleasant paradox, an introduction for those who are not familiar with them. Five of the original contributors – Sarah Butler, Jane Prophet, Karla Brunet, Janet Owen Driggs & Jules Rochielle and Ruth Maclennan – have created new pieces for this publication, as they look back on the series, reflecting on their book and those by the other artists. Far from mere commentary, these responses are works in their own right, and are as poetic and profound as the initial eight books.

Diferente do Material Conditions que trabalhei com arte, lugar e música, neste booklet meu tema foi imersão. Abaixo coloco as fotos de minha participação no booklet.

  • Fantasma Glacial
  • Meu mundo de areia, mar e vento
  • Ela e o Continente Gelado
  • Subverso Festival
  • Intervalo – fórum de arte