Scope Sessions: The Sea

DCIM101GOPRONo dia 12 de março, participei d 40º edição do Scope Sessions Artist talks & media salon, um encontro de artistas e apresentação dos seus trabalhos.

“Scope is a meeting point for the creative and the curious, a platform for sharing and learning in an informal setting. Guest artists are invited to present a project, a concept, a process or an experience.”

No evento realizado no Panke Culture, mostrei um pouco da minha trajetória artística com trabalhos relacionados com o mar. Abaixo coloco o resumo da presentação intitulada “The Sea: Art, Technology and Environment

 “I will present my artwork related to the environment, more specifically to the sea of my surroundings. It’s a mixture of formats: photo exhibition, interactive installation, DIY sensors, data visualization, video art, VJing, databending and web art, all having the same source, the sea and its underwater world. Some of the works are collective, developed at Ecoarte – a research group I coordinate at UFBA, Bahia, Brazil. Others are more introspective solo work, dealing with subjective issues of the sea. It is about disturbance, disruption, sensing and perceiving nature but also being entrapped by it. At the same time, art and science blend, in an attempt to create an intimate science.”

Veja mais no: 

  • Ela e o Continente Gelado
  • Subverso Festival
  • Intervalo – fórum de arte
  • 1º Simpósio de Arte e Pesquisa do Ecoarte
  • Performance de Live Cinema no Museu do Mar