Entrapment plasticity of the infinity sea

Entrapment plasticity of the infinity sea
Karla Brunet and Luvebox FX (may + junix)“Entrapment plasticity of the infinity sea” is a video art installation that deals with the notion of being entrapped and trying to survive, keep going. This situation is always changing its form as the sea is always in movement and changes its state. The images of this video were recorded on different places of the Caribbean Sea (Los Roques in Venezuela, San Andrés in Colombia, Ulila in Honduras, Caye Amberguis and Blue Hole in Belize), the Red Sea (around Hurghada) and the Atlantic Ocean (Bahia, Brazil). A mosaic of the sea and personal struggles form this imaginary trip into the underwater world.

— 2015 Entrapment plasticity of the infinity sea. Museu Abílio de Mattos e Silva. Óbidos, Portugal.
— 2014 Entrapment plasticity of the infinity sea. Arte y Ciencia en el Mar, Museo del Ferrocarril de Asturias. Gijón, Espanha

  • Fantasma Glacial
  • Meu mundo de areia, mar e vento
  • Ela e o Continente Gelado
  • Subverso Festival
  • Intervalo – fórum de arte