
Em junho, participei do simpósio internacional “Liquidscapes: tales and tellings of water worlds and fluid states” apresentando uma comunicação intitulada “Liquid Ecoarte“.

This presentation shows the artwork produced by Ecoarte, a research and art group from Brazil. Since 2010wehavebeencreatingprojectsinthe intersection of art, technology, and nature. Digital narratives, coding, citizen science, interactive video installation, video art, data visualization and audiovisual performance are the media used to produce artworks resulting from different immersive trips into nature, wild and urbanized nature.

In 2010, we developed “Digital Narratives” Project (, methods and technologies for the collaborative construction of digital audiovisual narratives of coastal communities, a parallel of a small fishing community in Brazil (Garapuá, Bahia) and another in Spain (Aguiño, Galicia).

“Geographies of the Seas” ( was a series of interactive video, data visualization and video installation on the islands and bay of All Saints. Working on a conceptual map of the sea, its imagery, its symbolism and its impact on the lives of city residents we have created “Ma:res” (, an artistic mapping of the sea surrounding us.

On “Sensorium: from the sea to the river” ( we used the DIY methodology and free hardware/software in order to create a device with sensors to enhance our perception of the environment. Videos, photographs and audio recordings were also part of this immersion in nature.

The project “Sailing: Art and Experience of the sea” ( was an art residency on a sailing boat. Our main goal was to sense the sea – to feel it, to observe it, to recognize it, to be aware of it, to comprehend it, to appreciate it, and to realize it.

Liquidscapes aconteceu em Dartignton, na Inglaterra. Foram 3 dias intensos com palestras, painéis, worshops, mostras de vídeos sobre a água, tanto do ponto de vista estético quanto social e físico. Keynotes como a de Tristan Gooley (How to read water) e Amy Sharrocks (Against Dryness) abriram o evento e foram um estímulo para a produção de pensamento crítico e projetos artísticos sobre água.

Tínhamos atividades de manhã, tarde e noite. Assisti diversos vídeos sobre água, palestras de projetos sobre o mar, rios, água e refugiados… Fiz workshops sobre storytelling e remada noturna, natação e a natureza/indivíduo/comunidade, dentre outros.  Voltei para casa motivada e com novas ideias de projetos. Parabenizo os organizadores pelo evento.

Link do evento:

Link do pdf dos resumos:

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  • Ela e o Continente Gelado
  • Subverso Festival
  • Intervalo – fórum de arte
  • 1º Simpósio de Arte e Pesquisa do Ecoarte
  • Performance de Live Cinema no Museu do Mar